Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Letter #102 - Rachel

The very first time I encountered someone who shared my name I was upset.  I was in the first grade and had never met another Rachel, so I guess it had just never dawned on me that it was possible for more than one person to have the same first name.  My kindergarten teacher was named Rachelle, but that was a different name in my mind.  I'm not sure why it bugged me, but it did.  (She and I became best friends that year and are still in touch to this day, by the way).

Fast forward several years to an incredible opportunity where I got to attend a church youth camp in Tahiti.  On that trip I met another Rachel, only this time there was no annoyance over the shared name.  We like each other immediately and within a day, other campers were referring to us as "Rachel Squared".  After the camp, Rachel and I kept in touch for awhile but then drifted, as often happens.

Fast forward several years to my parents informing me that we had houseguests for the week.  A new missionary was moving to Detroit and would be staying with us along with his fiance' while they searched for a place to live.  Imagine my surprise when I walked in to introduce myself and came face to face with my square!  It was wonderful to reconnect, and we grew to be friends as couples as well.  My (then boyfriend) and I atteneded their wedding, and they attended ours.  Rachel recently moved back to Florida with her family, which made me sad because she had become a part of my circle of friends, and our husbands had grown close as well.  I miss having them over and watching their son grow up.

Rachel is an incredible leader.  She has a passion for Christ and is a true missionary, but she is also unshakable.  She ministered side by side with her husband in urban Detroit, she dealt with rowdy college kids, and I have witnessed her leadership in many capacities, including motherhood.  She has a calming effect on me, something I try to recall when I am feeling stressed out and under qualified.  Her strength and confidence are an incredible example to me.  I miss my square, a little more because we're not so great at keeping in touch, so I hope my letter brings a smile to her face, and that I hear something back from her.  Even just a hello would brighten my day :o)

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