Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Letter #48 - Miranda

So either I've screwed up my numbering system, or I mailed a letter and forgot to blog it, because I actually have Miranda on my list as #49 but I can't find #48 listed anywhere.  I'm also going to cheat on this one just a little because the letter isn't mailed yet.  I have these two photos I want to include in it, and I can't print them yet because of some tech things that have been going on this week.  The photos are on a hard drive I can't currently access so I have to wait.  That being said, I'm still posting about Miranda and my letter to her.

Have you ever known someone in your life that could be described as your twin?  Not necessarily looks-wise, but tastes, personalities, mannerisms, etc?  I have had a bunch of friends I proclaimed were just like me, or I was just like them, or we were just like each other, etc... I was dead wrong.  Miranda and I are the same person.  It's creepy.  Creepy to other people, creepy to us, creepy.  Miranda and I were cabin-mates at camp one year, and then housemates in college, and we ended up going through a very weird, very creepy and yet kind of cool personality merge at one point.  If ever "shining" existed, Miranda and I can do it.  We can literally have entire conversation by exchanging about 5 words.  It blows my mind.  When I got engaged, the first person I thought of to ask to be our photographer was Miranda... she's the closest I could get to taking my own photos :o)  She agreed, then got engaged herself.  They ended up getting married the weekend after we did and she and I photographed each others' weddings, it was an awesome experience to be able to share our weddings with each other in that way... like a double wedding but without the shared spotlight :o)

Miranda and I don't typically keep in close contact, but she's been on my mind a lot these last few months and I decided she could use a note from me.  Or I decided I could use sending her a note, whichever :o)  Since we share a passion for photography I wanted to send her a couple shots I had taken on my winter zoo trip last month, and so now I impatiently wait to regain access to the drive where they are stored so I can do just that.  As I wrote my letter to Miranda I just kept drifting back to my wedding day, and then to hers... going over all the images in my mind and how incredibly awesome it felt to know that I could completely trust she was capturing my day the way I wanted.  I had a lot of bumps in the road the last month before our wedding and it was a blessing to have at least one thing that I knew couldn't possibly go wrong.  (the second thing was knowing my husband would be waiting at the end of the aisle for me... no doubts there!)

Miranda has had a huge influence on the person I am (since we are each other, after all).  There are personality traits she has that I have always greatly admired and strive to emulate in my own life more.  One of the greatest things I treasure about our friendship is that whenever she is around I just feel at peace.  I trust her implicitly, and because of that I rarely feel the need to stress when she's around.  I can't think of hardly a single other person in my life who does that for me, it's awesome.

Our lives may have followed different paths, both in getting here and from here on out.  We may have different outlooks on things, we may have different tastes, yet there is something fundamentally the same about us.  I don't know if it's a wavelength, a soul thing, a weird telekinetic power or what, but when I think of Miranda I think of myself, and all the ways in which we hope to influence the world.

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