Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Letter #100 - Angie

100 is such a landmark number.  TV shows celebrate their 100th episode, turning 100 warrants being featured on the local news, we base percentages on 100... 100 is noteworthy.

So is Angie.  I didn't intentionally select a person to be letter #100, but that doesn't make Angie any less important.  I find her fascinating in fact... mostly because Angie is one of those people who I am not necessarily close to, and yet I feel a strong connection to her.  I run into her maybe twice a year at various events, I hear from her now and then on facebook... her number is not in my cell phone and we do not hang out.  We don't particularly interact with each others' lives with any sense of deliberateness, and yet when she crosses my mind, I'm drawn to her personality.

I wrote to Angie because she had shown up a few times recently in my newsfeed on facebook, and I decided she could use a good old fashioned letter.  We've been meaning to connect for a year now on a potential photography project for me, and it just keeps slipping through the cracks.  I wanted to reach out to her in a non-traditional way (isn't it crazy how a letter is actually pretty non-traditional now in the US?) and just say hi.

I hope she enjoys the letter, I hope it makes her feel good and cared about, because even though we may not be close, I find that I care very much about her, and hope all good things for her in her life.

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