Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Letter #99 - Kerstin

I often marvel at how relationships work.  They come, they go, they strengthen and weaken... Kerstin is a friend who has ridden those waves in my life.  Our friendship has been stronger at times and weaker at others, yet we still stay connected, albeit indirectly at times.

Current events called Kerstin to mind when news of the shootings in Norway hit my twitter feed.  Kerstin and her family live in Oslo and I immediately prayed for their safety.  I'm happy to report they were unharmed, but it made me wonder about what causes us to drift so much as people, since I hadn't thought much of her in a year or more.  I realised I don't know anything about her family anymore, or even what she is doing for work, if anything.  I don't know what her husband does, I don't know how often they get to see her family in Germany, I don't know how old her kids are... and while I don't necessarily feel guilty for that (she doesn't know much about my life these days either), it urged me to write her and reconnect.

I have no idea if I will hear anything from her or not, I remember Kerstin was always much more of an in-person type, but we'll see.  If nothing else, I know I made an effort to reconnect with someone I consider a friend, no matter how far we may have drifted.

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