Sunday, April 24, 2011

Letter #75 - Steffan

Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow.  But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.

These words are a part of the very beginning of the story that wove Steffan into my life.  His father was my grade four teacher.  I've written about his dad before in this blog, but last year I got the opportunity to get to know Steffan as more than the toddler I met so many years ago!

My husband and I were traveling with my family last year around the holidays and stayed a night at Steffan's home with his family.  It had been so long since I'd seen Sergio's kids, I wasn't sure what to expect.  Turns out they're both awesome and that Steffan and I have similar movie *and* cereal tastes.  Steffan was an incredible host (not a common trait among most guys his age in my experience) and spent all evening hanging out with us and chatting.  There were many reasons I with that stay had been longer, and getting to know Steffan  was one of those reasons.  We've since connected on facebook, but it kept coming to me that he may just appreciate one of my notes, and so off I sent one.  Since I'm so far behind on the blogging part of this project, he has already received his letter and I received an incredibly kind note back from him.  I think we may actually start kickin' an old school style pen pal relationship, which I think is just awesome.  Like father like son... I just love the Tirolese men! :o)

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