Saturday, May 7, 2011

Letter #83 - Ginger

I have lived with a lot of people.  Mostly because the last few years of undergrad I was living in a house that was home to 12 students... many of which were different each year I was there.  Ginger was one of my roommates at the house and I absolutely loved her.  Ginger is everything a redhead named Ginger should be... fiery, independent, strong willed, passionate, and a touch crazy.  We made great roommates and she got me hooked on the wonderful world of Joss Whedon.  Ginger and I share a dark sense of humour, and she not only brought it out in me, but helped me realise it was ok to let that part of my personality out.  We don't keep in very regular contact, but we have the kind of relationship where that's ok, and when we *are* in touch it's like we still live together almost.

I wanted to write to Ginger because I have been thinking about her a lot this week, and reflecting on the impact she had on my life as a friend and as a roommate.  I wanted to verbalise some things to her that I never had before, and thank her for being so awesome.  She lives in another state now, and we've both gotten married since the last time we saw each other... I really hope at some point we can get together with our spouses and hang out and catch up again, but for now I'll make do with my letter and sending her a whole lot of love.  I hope my letter brings a smile to her face, and let's her reminisce for a bit about our shenanigans together when we were roommies :o)

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