Saturday, May 7, 2011

Letter #84 - Laura

This project takes my mind on interesting turns.  I will occasionally make myself a little list of the next 5-10 letters I want to write, and I almost never end up writing exactly those letters to exactly those people in exactly that order.  In fact, I often end up writing letters to completely different people... Laura is one such letter.

I don't know Laura very well.  We attended some of the same church camps, but her brother is the one who is a huge part of my life.  Laura lives in another state, she's married and has 3 kids, she shows up regularly in my Facebook news feed, and yet we don't know much else about each other, and we don't converse much other than the occasional Facebook comment.  We do, however, share a need for saving as much money as we can.  I had commented at some point about coupons, and she remarked that she collects baby related coupons from wherever she can get them.  I don't have any babies yet, so when I go through my coupons I try to keep my eyes open for ones she may be able to use.  I don't always remember her, but this week I did, and so along with the coupons I stuck in the mail for her I also attempted to write a letter that said a little more than "here ya go".  I don't know if Laura and I will ever establish a relationship or friendship beyond where we are now, and that's ok either way, but it was a good exercise for me to write a letter to someone I know just a little.  I hope the coupons help her out, and I hope my letter makes her feel good, even if it's just for a bit that day.  She seems like a nice girl, and she deserves to have a reminder that someone is thinking of her now and then :o)

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