Sunday, June 19, 2011

Letter #86 - Tilly

Bet you thought I abandoned this project!  No, no, I've just been crazy busy and a little lazy the last month and a half.  Beware, this means I'm in for some SERIOUS catching up in the next few weeks...

Letter #86 went out to my aunt Tilly.  I've indicated before that I've never been geographically close to most of my family.  Auntie Til and her clan were also usually not geographically close, so growing up she was kind of like the aunt I knew existed but had only met a handful of times, and really didn't know very well.  I still can't really say I know her *well* but I've had the opportunity to get to know her better as I've grown up, and as that side of the family has renewed intentional get togethers over the last few years.  Over Easter we all decided to get together on fairly short notice.  I was pleased that my family and my husband and I were able to make arrangements so we were able to be there.  It was the first time Auntie Til got to meet my husband, so it was nice to get to introduce him to another family member.

Til is the youngest of 5 on my dad's side of the family.  As such, I've heard dozens of stories growing up about the trouble she got everyone else into (don't worry Auntie Til I take it all in context of the source!) :o)  I decided to write her so I could include a few prints of the family photos I shot at our Easter get together.  Oma has reached the age where we're all playing the "don't know how many more times we'll have a chance for big family portraits like this" game, so I sent Oma a few of the photos, and sent a few to Auntie Til as well.

I received a message from her this week saying she had received them and how glad she was to hear from me and to get the photos so I'm glad I was able to send them.

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