Sunday, June 19, 2011

Letter #88 - Jenn

I often find myself reflecting on where relationships I am in, or have had came from.  How they developed into what they are now.  Jenn is one of those friends that I can trace the timeline of our friendship, but I can't ever quite trace the way in which our friendship deepened the way it did.  Jenn is one of those friends that just simply is, and I love her dearly for it.  Jenn has been on my mind quite a bit lately as she has been a great source of support for me these last several months, so I decided to send her a letter to tell her how much I love her and how glad I am to have her as a friend.

Jenn and I technically met when we were both still in high school, as we attended the same Senior High Church Camp, but we didn't really hang with the same circles, and she was a few years ahead of me and headed off to college.  Our lives crossed paths again a few years later when I myself started college and there was Jenn.  We both attended Michigan State University and shared several years with her there.  During that time we shared in worship, in meals, in travel and in many many craft nights, impromptu movie nights and late night dessert runs.

I was thrilled when she moved back to Michigan after completing her masters degree and working for several years out of state, and have greatly enjoyed the last year getting to see her more frequently and rekindle our friendship.  I hope my letter gives her even the slightest indication of how much she means to me, because she's freaking amazing.

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