Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Letter #90 - Rosa

This project always seems to run a little Tribe-heavy when I've had a school weekend.  Rosa is another Tribe Member.  (for those of you just joining us, my Masters' cohort refers to ourselves as a Tribe).

I haven't had too many opportunities to work with Rosa yet, and this weekend's class made me aware of that.  She and I were assigned to a group project and I realised I don't think I've ever really worked one-on-one with her yet.  I made a decision to fix that next class if I have the chance.
Rosa is another one our quiet ones (we have a few), but when she does speak up it is usually something quite profound and challenging, so I love it when I see her inch up to the edge of her seat getting ready to enter the discussion.  I sent her a letter after class this past weekend to let her know how much I enjoyed the chance to work on our assignment with her, and to wish her luck on the 3 papers we have due between now and our next class.

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