Saturday, July 23, 2011

Letter #94 - Sharilyn

My mother is daughter #4 of 5 in her family.  Her oldest sister Sharilyn lives out of state and I don't get to see her much.  She is also a creative type, and very passionate about a lot of things in life.  She's also one of the people in my life that I'm bad at keeping in regular touch with, so I decided to send her a note.  I thanked her for the lovely birthday email she sent me and wished her a good summer.  I don't have a very close relationship with her, but wanted to make the effort to stay in touch, I know it bothers her that she doesn't have a closer relationship with her nieces and nephews because most of us haven't lived close to her for most of our lives so I try to be conscious of that and keep in better touch.

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