Saturday, July 23, 2011

Letter #96 - Nancy

I've mentioned before how much I love my Tribe.  Nancy is one of my tribe members.  Geographically she lives the closest to me, and we've shared rides to and from class several times.  I'm several years older than her sons, but I think sometimes she looks at me like another one of her kids.  Nancy is awesome, a complete bohemian trapped in conservative middle class suburbia and as a result we have had some really fascinating discussions.

I've been wanting to send Nancy a note for awhile just to tell her how great I think she is, so this week I took that opportunity.  I sent some love and wished her luck on our upcoming assignments.  We don't have class next month, which I think both of us will miss from a social standpoint but to be honest, I'm welcoming the academic break... this last semester was a rough one.  I'm not sure Nancy's much of a writer, but I hope my note brings a smile to her face.  I'm hoping we can grab a meal together or some library time or something to make up for missing class together next month so I don't have to wait until September to see her again!

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