Thursday, March 3, 2011

Letter #59 - Erica

Sometimes I feel like a bad friend.  I get so wrapped up in my own stuff, or in the lives of a couple of specific individuals, and I neglect other friendships.  I don't mean to, and I often still think about those people, but I get bad at calling, or inviting to coffee or dinner or lunch... and sometimes it happens more because we try several times to make something happen and schedules get in the way, so I eventually kind of stop trying until "things settle".  Erica is one of those people I feel as though I've been neglecting lately.  I was feeling bad about it, so I sent her a letter this week.  I'll admit, it's not the most insightful and incredible letter ever written... it's mostly an invitation to set up a work day like we used to (we both worked from home and fell victim to the trappings thereof at times, so we would support each other by meeting in a central, less distracting location, and work on our own projects while keeping each other company.  It was nice.)

It was also an invitation to have her and her husband over sometime to hang out, since we haven't successfully done so since we got married.  Part of the excitement for us of getting married and getting our own place was finally having somewhere to have OUR friends over.  We both lived at home with our folks, which was great, but if you wanted to just have a couple's night and invited friends to dinner or something, it got kind of weird "hey wanna come hang out at my parents house with me and my fiance? they'll stay upstairs..."  We're rounding the bend on 6 months of marriage and haven't had nearly as many of our friends over yet as we would like.  No solid reason, it just hasn't happened yet.  I'm hoping that some of these invitations I'm extending with this project will start to change some of that, because we really love to entertain :o)

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