Thursday, March 24, 2011

Letter #68 - Randi

I know I often tout the awesomeness of my cousins both blood related and in-laws, but Randi just about tops the awesome cousin charts.  As Randi and I got to know each other while my husband and I were dating, I would often tell him that if we ever split up, I would have to be allowed to keep her.  Randi is the very definition of spunk.  (that's in my dictionary, I didn't webster it) She has an incredible passion for life and an awesomely deep love for her family.  When my husband and I got engaged, it became clear that Randi would be my go-to girl when I needed a safe space.  Being a married-in to the family as well, she and I share "status" in what can and can't be discussed or fought, what buttons get pushed, and how we can love our husbands so much and shake our heads at the same time at some of the shared family traits.  We both love the family we've chosen to join but it's nice to have someone who can share the love *and* the frustrations that inevitably come with being "the outsider" at times.  

As I wrote my letter to Randi I found myself missing her intensely.  We went through a spell recently where we were hanging out a lot, then this past month both our lives got busy and I've barely seen her.  My letter to Randi made me reflect on how blessed I am to have her in my life, and even more to have her in my family!!!

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