Saturday, March 19, 2011

Letter #63 - Don

My birth was a prophetic occasion.  Most people can't say that.  I can.

When my mum was pregnant with me, my folks had a visitor from the church staying with them.  Uncle Don, as he became known to me, was in their home and told my mum she was pregnant.  She was 100% convinced he was wrong.  He told her he just knew these things even thought she insisted he was wrong and that she wasn't pregnant.  He was right.  9 months later, there I was.  Ever since then, he introduces me to people as the girl whose birth he foretold.  It's pretty awesome.

Uncle Don drifts in and out of my life.  We'll be very close and see each other with some regularity for several years, and then I will completely lose touch with him until 4-5 years down the road when life crosses our paths once again.  And yet my love and admiration for him never lessen.  He is incredibly funny and special to me, he provides profound ministries and hearty laughs.  Definitely the kind of guy you want sitting at the dinner table, or in the back of your class.

Uncle Don wasn't able to attend our wedding last year, so I decided I needed to write him and at least send him a wedding photo, so he can continue to brag about his prophetic skills :o)  It was nice to spend some time focusing on him and our relationship, and even if I don't hear anything back from him (not sure he's much of a writer) I feel really good about having reached out again and sending him some love.  I hope next year I can make it to our church's world conference because that's always a place I know I'm going to run into him and get a big hug, and probably a free lunch :o)

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