Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Letter #33 - Jeremy

I've mentioned in previous posts that I have a handful of pre-teen/early teen kids that I try to keep in touch with, or kind of mentor.  One of these kids is Jeremy.  Jeremy has been one of my campers for years, he's this wisp of a kid with an absolutely super brain.  His parents are both super smart, and as a result he's an adorable super nerd.  One of his hobbies is that he has a stamp collection.  Back when I was traveling a bunch for work, Jeremy's dad told me about his collection and asked if I would be willing to send him a few postcards or something on my travels so he could add to the collection.  Since then, I have tried to go above and beyond that request... the letter I wrote Jeremy today is evidence of that :o)  A friend of mine recently went on a trip to Israel.  I asked if he would be willing to send me a postcard.  Not only so I could hear from him, but so I can also now pass the Israeli stamp on to Jeremy!

This post will now also double as a request to all of my readers who may travel.  If you are willing to send me postcards with cool stamps that I can continue to send to Jeremy, that would be so cool.  I'd get the mail, and he'd get the stamps!  :o)  If you are willing to do this, and need my address, just send me a note or leave a comment and I'll get it to you!

Thank you readers!

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