Monday, February 7, 2011

Letter #38 - Brad

The advent of Facebook has made birthdays AWESOME to me.  Gone are the days of people maybe not remembering, or not even knowing that it's your birthday.  Now you can get birthday greetings from people you've never even met, or maybe know distantly, or haven't seen in 30 years but keep in touch with once a week by commenting on each others' status or photos.

This project is intended to focus on good old fashioned mail, so for letter #39 I'm using some of the knowledge Facebook has provided me with in order to bring some good old fashioned birthday greetings to a friend of mine.  Brad is turning 18 this week.  It seems crazy to me because it seems only yesterday he was one of those awkward little kids running around church camp bossing his little brother around (as an older sibling I can relate).  I had the great pleasure of taking Brad's senior portraits last summer.  He's turned into such a great kid, and has the whole world opening up to him as he finishes up his high school career and begins to contemplate the new chapter of his life.

I wish him so much success and have enjoyed watching him grow up.  I hope his birthday is amazing and that he enjoys receiving something as ancient as a birthday card.

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