Monday, February 14, 2011

Letter #43 - Rita

My very first "boyfriend" that I can remember was named Bryan.  I met him because of his mom, Rita, who was my Kindermusik teacher when I was four.  I'm sure Bry and I eventually broke each others' hearts and went our separate ways, but we're still in touch every so often and I keep in touch with his other family members as well.  Rita is the member of the family I see the least often and hear from even less frequently.  Over the holidays I was in touch with both of her sons a bit (God bless Facebook) and got to see a bunch of their family Christmas photos, which made me miss Rita.

I have only a few blurry memories from Kindermusik, but I remember just loving it.  It also laid the foundation for my 8 years of piano lessons and my dabbling in guitar.  While I never became an accomplished musician, I love music, and I'm grateful to Rita for sharing her passion with me.  I still have my Kindermusik bag, with my books and my glockenspiel... I can't part with it, and I hope my future children will use it someday.  Since they're daddy will be a musician, I'm sure they'll get looooots of exposure :o)

As I wrote Rita's letter I remembered spending hours in her basement playing music games, hoping Bryan would be able to play after class, watching The Brave Little Toaster... I wonder if I'll hear back from Rita.  It's been years since I think I've had direct contact with her, and I can't say I have any idea what's been going on her life.  I'm hopeful she'll send news back.

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