Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Letter #32- John

As the current crisis in Egypt continues to unfold, I have found myself often thinking of my old friend John.  John is a former US Ambassador, and someone I had the privilege of meeting because of my father.  When I was a sophomore in high school, I had aspirations of getting into politics.  I had the opportunity to participate in one of my school's "enrichment weeks" which was in partnership with Close Up Washington DCDuring my trip I was given permission to skip an afternoon of activities and spend some time with John, who had prepared an incredible tour of the city for me, including meetings with several of his contacts in various organisations across the city, serving various functions.  The tour concluded with a private tour of the white house, including stops in the press room, oval office, and situation room (I got to sit in the President's chair!!)  It was an awesome experience.

During my undergrad I gradually shied away from politics and decided to pursue teaching.  Now I find myself drifting back toward the political realm as I pursue my Masters in Social Justice... but John has always stayed with me in the impact he has had on my worldview.  Having been able to hear stories of some of his experiences, having been given the great gift of meeting some of the people he introduced me to, and having kept his insights in my mind as I've matured, I have been blessed by his influence in my life.

I decided to share some of these insights with John in a letter I wrote him this week.  I have not kept in close touch with John in recent years, in fact I had to send him an email to request his current mailing address.  I am hoping that he will be able to take some pride in his impact on my life, and that he will be honoured by the fact that I can, in part, credit him for my current course of study.  As I wrote my letter, my mind was flooded with memories from that DC trip, as well as thoughts and reflections that have floated through my mind over the years.  The simple act of writing his letter made me really consider the path that has brought me to this moment in my academic and professional career and what has helped shape the goals I now have for myself.  That in and of itself was an experience I don't often get to enjoy, it was very cool.

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