Monday, February 7, 2011

Letter #37 - Diane

I've mentioned before that it's inevitable certain letters will automatically lead me to my next letter recipient.  Dave was an example of this.  Thinking of Dave led me to think about Diane.  Diane was my boss and minister when I was an undergrad.  She spent 2 years ministering to me and trying to get me to move into the Journey House, then to become the Resident Assistant.  She succeeded on all fronts, and I'm so glad for it.  I spent many, MANY hours in Diane's office working on projects, chatting about life, escaping my housemates to get homework done, etc.  She is a wonderful woman and a natural cheerleader.  She could always tell when something was wrong, and even if she couldn't help me fix the problem, she knew how to help make me feel a bit better.

Writing to Diane brought me back to the house... sitting at my desk and hearing her call a greeting around the corner as she came up the stairs to say hello or check in.  Watching her face light up when someone would say something funny or share some good news.  Listening to her lead a harmony line during hymn sings, watching her lead us in a capella verses, hearing the vacuum turn on and knowing she'd arrived for the day... there are days in my life now, sitting at home by myself, where I would just kill for her to show up at the door and invite me out to a coffee shop.

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