Saturday, January 15, 2011

Letter #15 - Oma

I hate to confess, I am not always the best granddaughter.  I love my Oma dearly, don't get me wrong, but I'm really bad at keeping in touch with her.  We haven't lived very close to her for most of my life, which means the best I can do most of the time is write or call... neither of which I do very often.

Today I decided to do better at that, so I started by sending her a letter.  My Oma is awesome.  She's Dutch by birth and immigrated to Canada when my dad was three years old.  She's hilarious and a great cook... I have yet to master her soup making skills!  She's very religious but in an oh-so-Dutch was :o)  Anyone who meets her instantly understands my and my dad's sense of humour much better.  She once spent about 30 minutes telling me about her 'new boyfriend'.  When she asked if I wanted to see a photo, she pulled a picture of the Pope out of her wallet.  She's not catholic, or senile.  It was hilarious.

If anyone reading this is lucky enough to still have living grandparents, send them a note, give them a call, or go visit them this week.  Oma's the last living grandparent I have, and I need to appreciate her better while that's still true!

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