Saturday, January 22, 2011

Letter #20 - Jose

I've been super busy the last few days so I haven't had a chance to post on my letters.  Here's to catching up.

The other day I was reminiscing about Mexico and it made me miss my dear friend Jose... so I sat down and wrote him a note.  Jose is one of those friends who I fell instantly in love with (platonically speaking).  He was one of the executives in my seminars and the more we talked, the more I felt like we had known each other forever.  He's the kind of friend that makes me wonder if there isn't something to the reincarnation idea... it feels like I would have known him in past lives.  We share a lot of life philosophies and world outlooks and anytime one of us was in each others' town there would be delicious food, wonderful conversation, and general awesomeness.

In my old job I could usually count on at least one trip to Mexico a year, and Jose could usually count on at least one Detroit trip a year, meaning we'd usually be able to squeeze in a few days to hang out a year.  Since I lost my job, no more Mexico.  Jose also has moved on, so no more Detroit.  It sucks.

Writing to Jose allowed me to remember all of the awesome times I had traveling to Mexico.  One of my first trips included a private guided tour of the Anthropology Museum and the Tituhacan Pyramids.  Super cool.

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