Sunday, January 9, 2011

Letter #3 - Myrna

Last night I wrote my note to Bob, then was still awake enough (and not yet covered in cats) to write one more note before turning out the light.  I decided to send letter #3 to Myrna, a long time family friend.  Myrna was friends with my grandmother, so she's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  She and my grandmother lived in the same building for awhile, and while Grandma was still alive, we saw Myrna pretty regularly.  As time went on, after Grandma died, we saw less and less of Myrna, mostly due to Myrna's health slowly limiting her mobility (as far as getting herself places and not relying on transportation from others).  I was really pleased to see her this past month at a church function and spent some time chatting with her.

Writing her letter brought back all kinds of memories of my grandmother, even though I didn't talk about her in my letter.  Just remembering the apartment complex they both lived in, times spent there with my family, my cousin and I occasionally cleaning the place for her, or going over to take her shopping.  It was nice to have some time to remember those moments rather than the less fun ones from later in her life.

The letter itself felt a little forced, I think because I haven't been in touch for so long, I paused often to try and think what I should write next.  I ended up sharing a lot with her about our past few months as a married couple, and about our new kittens (photo enclosed of course!).  The experience reminded me that communication is not only a strong tool, but it's kind of like a whole set of muscles... you need to continue using them in order for it to come easily.  When you stop communicating with someone, the first few times you try to pick it back up may feel odd, or forced.  It was a reminder to me that it's important to keep working out those "muscles" :o)  Good thing I have this challenge to do exactly that!


  1. Rachel,

    That last paragraph is so true,about communication being a muscle. Nice analogy.

  2. thanks! I'm really big on communication (with my background who could possibly guess why? lol!) so I think about it a lot... that one came to me literally as I was writing the letter, glad you connected with it!
