Monday, January 10, 2011

Letter #5 - Kent

I'm still not quite caught up, but tonight I made time for another letter.  Tonight I wrote to my friend Kent, another BTS buddy.  Kent and I are only about 6 months apart in age and he is devastatingly handsome.  Tall, blonde, gorgeous.  He is also an incredibly talented, competent, smart and confident guy.  For any number of these reasons, I spent the greater part of the week in Scottsdale kind of avoiding him.  Not entirely on purpose, but there was something about him that both intrigued me and intimidated me (not in the romantic sense, despite his looks... Austin and I were 2 years strong at that point!)  The second to last day of the seminar, he and I ended up being partners for one of the exercises.  I have no idea what the exercise was, I can't remember a single word we actually exchanged, but I remember from that point on I couldn't figure out why I had spent most of the week not talking to him.  We shared several conversations and one rockin' dance (the memory of which is the only reason I can stand the song sexy back lol) between that exercise and the closing of the program, and I have tried hard to keep tabs on him ever since.  He has built several extremely successful careers for himself (while simultaneously working on his degree) and is not hard to follow, which sometimes makes me wonder if I had even half the impact on him as he had on me.  Sometimes when I reach out to him, I wonder if I'm just a slightly more familiar face in the crowd, or if he really remembers who I am.  Some friends are like that.

Writing my letter tonight to Kent took me back to the fun of those last few days in Scottsdale, where everyone felt like family and was sad to think of the week coming to an end.  He also is a person who keeps me inspired (and sometime jealous, I'm not gonna lie!) to be all I can be.  After all, he's 6 months younger than me and has achieved so much in his life already... there's no reason I can't do the same if I put the time and energy into it!  I doubt I'll hear back from him (though he may surprise me with a hi on facebook or something) but I hope I do.  If not though, I still hope he keeps on achieving, and keeps sharing it with the world, coz I'll continue to follow his endeavours, and I'll continue to be inspired (and a little jealous) as he continues to soar.

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